Political Economy of Today’s SAARC as a Regional Alliance as well as a Global Operation: Problems, Prospects and Proposals Shahid Javed Burki South Asia in the New World Order: The Role of Regional Cooperation (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) (London and New York: Routledge, 2014), xiii + 210 pp, £30.00 (Paperback), ISBN 978-1-138-78478-9
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In his assessment of this solely-written book, which is about cumbersome challenges, prospective opportunities and future directions for South Asia as an integrative identity towards regional sustainable development as well as a cooperative process targeting global policy engagement amid the cutting-edge century globalization gyrating relentlessly around international relationship politics and intergovernmental agreement economics, the reviewer has sharply disagreed with the author’s ideas, insights and arguments to live up to his expectations. In the volume, for instance, he covered every member country of the SAARC but committed to none of them as a focal case. Seemingly, the writer with his carping approaches did not answer any of many lurking questions he himself posed. Yet, he somehow succeeded in his ordinarily suited goals. Undeniably, he has come up with some valuable suggestions that are sensibly made more significant by the evaluator. Because of its timeliness, fondness and seriousness, this title compared to the available similar publications might fittingly contribute to the related academic literature. In sum, the innovative, impartial and interdisciplinary piece as an outcome from cerebral interaction between the reviewer and the author both of whom were awarded internationally outstanding commendations in acknowledgement of their respective professional excellence could surely spellbind many foreign affairs readers across South Asia and the world at large.